CSPC Social Night - Members only - Clothing Closet

03/17/2025 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM PT


  • Free


Gallery Erato
309 1st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98104


A non-play social event with a swap meet theme.


Come out to The Center for Sex Positive Culture’s Members Social - Clothing Closet! Bring your games, crafts, and or desire to be social with other Members in a relaxed environment.


Doors open at 5:00pm and the Event will end 9:00pm. 


Admission is free, but requires an active membership in order to register. Please do not register guests for this event.

Event Rules:

  • CSPC House Rules still apply
  • Members only
  • Nonsexual nudity permitted
  • Food welcomed



  • 5:00pm: doors open to registered Members
  • 5:00pm - 6:00pm: Clothing Closet donations and set-up
  • 6:00pm - 8:30pm: donations and “shopping”
  • 8:30pm - 9:00pm: pack up, clean up, and leave

A “Clothing Closet” is a community resource where everyone is welcome to browse, try on, and take whatever items they can use. This will be a temporary, pop-up Clothing Closet, stocked by Members for Members.



Please bring your clean, gently used items, ready to wear or use. Items can include clothing, accessories, toys, and any fully functional household items that are likely to be appreciated by community members. Do not bring anything that is soiled, broken, incomplete, or that cannot be received by a donation center. Everything is free - no sales. At the end of the evening you may reclaim anything you brought. Anything left at 8:30 will be packed up for donation. You are welcome to take items even if you didn’t bring anything!


Suggested accompanying activities that you can contribute:

  • Hair: styling, braiding, updo's, scalp massage

  • Make-Up: practice & experimentation, tutorials, face paintin

  • Nails: manicure/pedicure, painting, stamping, press-ons, hand/foot massag

  • Body Art: temporary tattoos, henna, body markers

  • Jewelry: fabrication, repairs, beading

  • Needlecraft: alterations/repairs, sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery

  • Do-It-Yourself Photo Booth (if there is space available at Registration)

The above suggested activities would need to be supplied, managed, and cleaned up by you.

Email skitty@thecspc.org with questions about this event. 

Neon CRM by Neon One